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Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy & Institute of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome of Hospital Ángeles Pedregal, Mexico City, Mexico
Director: Online Courses in Integrated Health and Bariatric Surgery
Coordinator: Integrated Health FSO LAC (2011-2013)
Chairwoman: Integrated Health Committee IFSO (2012-2016)


• Medical Society of Hospital Angeles Pedregal.
• Associate Member (by invitation) to the Mexican Society of Cardiology.
• Member: Mexican College for Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases, AC
• Member: American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)
• Member: International Federation of Surgery of Obesity (IFSO)

Galindo, G., Chatelain L, Ríos B. Pilot phase towards standardization of the Rey Complex Figure-Osterrierth, Revista de Salud mental, Vol 15, No. 4, December, 1992.

• Ríos B. Rangel G., Alvarez Cordero R, et al. Anxiety, depression and quality of life in obese patients. Acta Médica Grupo Ángeles, vol.6, No. 4, October-December 2008.

• Ríos B, , Huitrón G., Márquez M., et al. Descriptive study of personality and psychopathology in patients with vasovagal syncope. Archivos de cardiología de México 79 (3), 2009

• Ríos B., Huitrón G., Rangel G. Psychopathology and personality of the cardiac patient. Archivos de Cardiología de Mexico, 79 (4), 2009.

• Rios B, Chavez E, RangelG., et al. Defense Mechanisms in Patients with cardiovascular disease and panic Without disorders. Mental Health vol.33, No. 3, May-June 2010.

• Ríos B., Sanchez M., Guerrero M., et al. The psychologist's role in bariatric surgery. Revista de Cirugía General. No. 2, 2010.

• Ríos B., Rangel G. Descriptive Study of personality in kidney donors. Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social 48 (5): 2010.

• Ríos B et al. Guías Clínicas de Psicología para la evaluación y manejo de la obesidad, (Psychological Guidelines) realizada por Laboratorios Allergan de México. 2010.

• Ríos B, Rangel G. The self-perception of obese patients. Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. No. 48 (5), 2011.

• Ríos B., Fueyo A.. The psychologist's role in metabolic surgery. BMI (74). Diciembre

• Ríos B., Rangel G., Pedraza L. How do the obese persons perceive their overall health? Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social 51(4):2013.
• Ríos B., Guadalajara, JF., Fueyo A., Rangel G., Huitrón G., Pedraza L. Rasgos de
personalidad de los residentes de Cardiología y áreas afines. Revista de Medicina Interna de México; 29:571-580. 2013.


Marcondes A. Arenales- Loli M. Novos corpos. Nuevas Realidades. (Idioma: Portugués). Rios B. Cap. 8 Acompanhamento Psicologico após a Cirugía Bariátrica. Vetor Editores. 1ª edición. 2011.

Rios B. Electronic Book sobre Manejo Multidisciplinario del paciente con Cirugía Bariátrica., 2016.

Rios B. Electronic Book about of Integrated Health and Bariatric Surgery, 2015.

Rios B. Electronic Book sobre Temas Selectos en Psicología Bariátrica, 2016.