Angeles Pedregal Hospital, Consultorio 503 Torre de Consultorios, Camino a Santa Teresa 1055 CP 10700 Mexico City, México.
Tels. (+5255) 55685083, 5539263969
- Consultant Bariatric/Gastrointestinal and Robotic Surgeon
- Member of the Institute of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome at Angeles Pedregal Hospital
- Certified in Bariatric Surgery by:
CMCG – Mexican Council of General Surgery
CMCOEM – Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
CONACEM – National Normative Committee of the Councils of Medical Specialties
- Director of IBC Latin America
- Co-Director 18th IBC Symposium at CMCOEM Annual Congress, Chiapas, México 2016.
- Co-Director 20th IBC Symposium at ESBS Annual Congress, Cairo, Egypt 2016.
- Co-Director 22th IBC Symposium at CMCOEM Annual Congress, Playa del Carmen, Mexico 2017
- Co-Director 23th IBC Symposium at International Congress of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Buzios, Brazil 2017
- Co-Director 24th IBC Symposium at the TOSS Annual Congress, Antalya, Turkey. 2017
- Organizing Committee & Session Chair at the 1st IBC Oxford World Congress at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom 2018
- Founder and Director of the 1st Refresher Online Course in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, (endorsed by IBC, IIECS, CLIO-HGRL and Angeles Pedregal Hospital)
- Director of the CMCOEM Committee of Online Continual Medical Education (2015-2016)
- Associate Professor of the Bariatric Surgery Fellowship Training at Rubén Leñero´s Hospital and the National Autonomous Mexican University (2013-2016)
- Coordinator and Adjunct Professor: Surgical and Multidisciplinary Treatment for Obesity Course at Rubén Leñero´s Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico and the National Autonomous Mexican University, (2015-2016)
- Consultant Bariatric Surgeon: Rubén Leñero´s Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico (2013-2016)
- Consultant General Surgeon: Mexican Institute of Social Care, Mexico City, Mexico (2012 – current)
- MD Mexican Faculty of Medicine, LaSalle´s University, Mexico City, Mexico (1998 – 2004).
- General Surgery Residency at Angeles Pedregal Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico endorsed by LaSalle´s University (2006 – 2010).
- Bariatric and Advanced Gastrointestinal Surgery Fellowship at Angeles Pedregal Hospital, endorsed by LaSalle´s University (2010 – 2011)
- Laparoscopic and Gastrointestinal Surgery Fellowship at Hospital iClinic Barcelona, Spain 2011
- Robotic Surgery Certification, Bogotá, Colombia 2017
Docking Certification at Herman Memorial Hospital, Houston, USA 2013
- IFSO Scholarship IFSO Vienna 2015
- Medtronic Recognition for the coordination of the 4th Surgical and Multidisciplinary Treatment for Obesity Course (including implementation of biologic cadaveric models at the Autonomous Mexican University) 2016
- Women Surgeons Award by the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery, Tijuana. Febrero 2017
- Distal Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy with Splenic Preservation. A Case Report. Cirujano General, 2008;30(3):170-173
- Pancreas Divisum and Pancreatitis. Cirujano General, 2009; 31(2):125-128
- A Genetic Risk Score is Associated with Liver Fat Content and NASH in Mexicans with Morbid Obesity. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2014;00817
- Altered DNA methylation in liver and adipose tissue derived from individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Obesity, 2017
- Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy with Splenic Preservation. Case Report. Cirujano General, 2008;30(3):170-173
- A New Generation in Surgery: Robotic Surgery AESOP®. Boletín Médico de la Sociedad de la Beneficencia Española de Puebla. 2003.
- General Surgery Mexican Association (AMCG)
- Endoscopic Surgery Mexican Association (AMCE)
- Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases Surgery (CMCOEM)
- International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
- International Bariatric Club (IBC)