Professor Almino Cardoso Ramos


Almino Cardoso Ramos

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Last updated 25/06/2018

Civil name

Full name Almino Cardoso Ramos

Personal Information

Name used in Bibliographic Citations


Gender male

Color or Race White

Parental information

Erom Vieira Ramos and Maria Ramos Cardoso Eda


30/01/1963Caxias do Sul / RS Brazil

Identification document

525205202 SP SP 23/01/2008

CPF Number 413.893.10078

Residential Address

RUA BARATA RIBEIRO, 284 APTO 213 BELA VISTA São Paulo 01308000, SP Brazil Phone number: 11 31251222 Personal URL:

Professional Address

GASTRO OBESO CENTER RUA BARATA RIBEIRO, 237 CJ. 83/84/95/101/102 BELA VISTA São Paulo 01308000, SP Brazil Phone number: 11 31251222 Personal URL:


contact email: alternative email: almino.ramos @

Formal Education

Doctorate in 2016 2017 Graduate in Surgery Doctoral level. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Recife, Brazil Title: The influence of Gastrojejunoanastomosis on postoperative Gastric Bypass Weight Loss, Year of degree: 2017 Advisor: Josemberg Marins Campos Coordinator: Alvaro Antonio Bandeira Ferraz Knowledge areas: Bariatric surgery Sectors: Other professional, scientific and technical activities

1995 1998 Master's in Surgery.

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil Title: Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effect of Vitamin C on Experimental Esophageal Carcinogenesis Induced by Diethylnitrozamine, Year of degree: 1998 Advisor: Luiz Sérgio Leonardi Knowledge areas: Gastroenterologic Surgery Sectors: Health and Social Services

1989 1991 Specialization in Specialist in General Surgery.

Brazilian College of Surgeons, CBC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Title: Specialist in General Surgery

1987 1990 Specialization Medical Residence.

Center for the Study of the Digestive System Surgical Clinic, CECCAD, Brazil Title: Digestive System Surgery

1981 1986 Graduation in Medicine.

University of Caxias do Sul, UCS, Caxias Do Sul, Brazil

Complementary Education