Mr. Knight is a Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant Transplant and Vascular Access Surgeon with the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford. His clinical interests are in renal and pancreatic transplantation, vascular access for dialysis, live kidney donation and multi-organ retrieval.
His main academic interest lies in evidence-based transplantation and clinical trials. He is co-director of the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation, a research unit founded by Sir Peter Morris to evaluate and improve the quality of evidence in the field of solid organ transplantation. He has authored a large number of systematic review and meta-analyses, as well as a number of methodological projects around trial design and reporting in transplantation. He has been involved in the design and conduct of investigator and industry-driven transplant clinical trials including the Consortium for Preservation in Europe (COPE) trials, PITHIA and the PROTECT study. He is a member of the British Transplantation Society Clinical Trials Committee, and sits on the NIHR HTA interventional procedures panel.